Samstag, 6. September 2008

Shocking society to create awareness

In the first theory lecture about Trendspotting we learned that the hidden and silent trends are the most intense and important ones. I am really interested now what is gonna happen in the industrial production. Will there really be a massive step back to short frequented work steps?

The last time I wrote about the not-understanding of artists and engineers. When surfing through the web I found further evidence. There is indeed a pretty famous Danish artist who wants to deepfreeze the body of a death convicted after his execution and make goldfish food out of it. In an exhibition then people shall feed goldfish with the remains of the convict. He wants to shock society to make people aware of the cruelty of death penalty.

Me as an engineer cannot really see anything artistic in this horrible plan. Ok, it made me think about death penalty but does our society really need to be shocked to get aware of ethical issues. Or better… Is the only possibility to make our society aware to shock the people? I remember that English cook Jamie Oliver killing fledgling on a TV show to make people think about factory farming. For sure he can kill some fledgling if it really helps. As there are thousands of fledgling killed every day there is nothing wrong in letting those on the TV die martyrdom. But somehow to me the show was not authentic. Old women crying… did he want to make us aware of something or was he just keen on audience rate? But the big question is what is happening with our society.

Magnus showed us the picture of the perfect home in the 2000nds, people expected 50 years ago. They got everything quite right besides the social behavior of the human race. They expected the women to stay at home and imagined the man as the only gender to go to work. Further they could not imagine that inside smoking would be out of fashion.

And now what comes next?

Will our society only get aware of any kind of problem by being shocked with cruelty? In my opinion there are some people who just talk and think about disgusting things and are only made aware by activities like the human goldfish chow. But those are not the ones who will change anything when getting aware of something.

Our society accepts ethically questionable issues as time passes by. I remember when the first BODY exhibition by Gunter von Hagens was opened in the 90ies there were many protests and now there is a permanent BODY exhibition in almost every metropolis of this world. Did someone every think where all this bodies come from? Gunter von Hagens was even suspected to by bodies of poor passed Asians without their pre mortal agreement. I am pretty sure that in 50 years things, we nowadays consider as cruel and unethical, can be justified without causing any ethical discussion just by arguing that they are important to cause awareness or are important for scientific benefits.


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