Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

Whole Foods and the Past, Present, and Future of Food

On last Tuesday Christina Cheng, a very sympatric young lady, presented us her way of trendspotting in the food sector and how she teaches companies to take advantages of the spotted trends.

I really liked her way of subliminal making the world better. She seems to be quite successful in convincing her clients, in an area where packaging should be as cheap as possible, to use packaging materials which are recyclable to its original condition. Impressing was that she mentioned that BPA might have serious impact on our health and by a short research I found a source supporting her statement on the daily news site for food production and packaging.

That is certainly shocking to all of us.

Christina mentioned as well that she would go to Whole Foods in the USA to spot trends in the food sector. I spent one semester in San Diego (California) and there found Whole Foods and further on did not buy at any other store. As food in general is quite expensive in the US, the little more I spent there was ten times worth it.

Whole Foods has an impressive concept. It just sells high quality food, mostly organic. It has banned all plastic bags out of its affiliates and makes shopping an awesome experience. The atmosphere is nice and warm and everything looks fresh and worth the money. You can get the most exotic things as well as the everyday basics.

But what is really trailblazing is the Whole Foods new website concept to communicate with its customers just launched last month.

I browsed the new site myself and found a blog area, where even the CEO blogs himself. There is a video blog area, where I found the Co-founder CEO John Mackey of Whole Foods talks about the past, present and future of foods. Just watch it yourself:

Whole Foods new concept in communication is exactly what I expect it to be for our future. In my vision any one will have a, let’s call it, “mobile device” which works as a browser, phone, pc, game and video console, beamer and so on… and this device will use the fastest network available to communicate itself. So we will be able to make our shopping from the t-banan and just go there to pick it up or we even will get it delivered. But the way of taking feedback from the customers is really new, even back to the top management level. Whole Foods is not anonymous and I do not want the people I buy things from which go through my body to be that. The concept is great and the company is future oriented as they prove with their website. So I think it is just a matter of time until Whole Foods will conquer the European market.


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