Sonntag, 28. September 2008

Why always GOOGLE???

Last session we all had the honor to meet Piers Fawkes CEO and founder of the trendblog and he gave us a good impression about his work, some interesting trends and the three important groups who are responsible for new trends:

- The Creators
- The Community and
- The Companies

But what impressed me the most
was his last question posed to companies:

“In an era any
thing will be made by anyone at anytime can you engage and collaborate creators, the community and other companies to make things better?”

This was impressing due to two reasons.

First it expanded my future vision that everything will be available for everyone at anytime to a further level. I realized that everyone will be able to create everything, anytime and anywhere. This means that I am an active part in the future and that I am taking part. I will be more responsible to make things better in the future. Maybe this blog is my first part of creating for the public.

There are yet articles talking about future companies in the context of anytime and anyplace and there is even a book called “ANYTIME, ANYPLACE: The new way of working” published by Microsoft. But up to now I have never heard nor thought of the creating component.

Google started a project for its 10th birthday called “10 to the 10th“ searching for the ten best ideas to make the world better. To implement those ideas Google offers a budget of 10 million dollars. This is the direct answer to Pierses question. Google uses its own community , its own financial power and degree of popularity to make the ideas of creators come true, with the target to make the world better.

Google certainly is a company which is anticipating future trends. If you have a short look on Google’s timeline you realize the success story of the company. This new project together with Pierses question for the future justify this incredible success. Hopefully all the other companies will learn a lesson from Google, so the world can benefit.

Why always GOOGLE?? - Because they support creators!


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